Mohit Kumar
When To use HashTable In C#
By Mohit Kumar in Workflow Foundation on Apr 07 2014
  • Sanjay Sabariya
    Jun, 2015 3

    when i have lot's of data at that time we can use hash table b'coz hash store data in pair like key and we can get fast searching

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  • Dasharath Vishwakarma
    May, 2014 19

    Hashtable optimizes lookups. It computes a hash of each key you add. It then uses this hash code to look up the element very quickly.

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  • Amol Nalavade
    Jul, 2017 28

    Check Difference Hashtable and Dictionary. for more details so please visit following link.

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  • vipin kv
    Oct, 2015 7

    We can use HashTable where we have data's stored as key value pair. We can use Dictionary also for the same purpose, Dictionary is more faster than HashTable because HashTable requires additional boxing and unboxing overhead but HasTable is Threadsafe

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  • Srinivas Pabballa
    Sep, 2015 3

    when ever u have data in the form of pair. and if u want to stored that data u can go for hashtable. As hashtable is the combination of key n item. based upon the key it will be easy to access the data from the table. for example like defining index for the book

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  • Gokul Rathod
    Nov, 2014 25

    if you need to search faste data

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  • Palle Technologies
    Apr, 2014 17

    An hashtable is a collection class in C# . Usually an hashtable stores key and value pairs in dictionary format . For more details see hashtable in c#

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  • Palle Technologies
    Apr, 2014 17

    An hashtable is a collection class in C# . Usually an hashtable stores key and value pairs in dictionary format . For more details see hashtable in c#

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  • Palle Technologies
    Apr, 2014 17


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  • Palle Technologies
    Apr, 2014 17


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  • Palle Technologies
    Apr, 2014 17

    An hashtable is a collection class in C# . Usually an hashtable stores key and value pairs in dictionary format . For more details see

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  • Palle Technologies
    Apr, 2014 17

    An hashtable is a collection class in C# . Usually an hashtable stores key and value pairs in dictionary format . For more details see hashtable in c#

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  • Palle Technologies
    Apr, 2014 17

    An hashtable is a collection class in C# . Usually an hashtable stores key and value pairs in dictionary format . For more details see hashtable in c#

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  • Palle Technologies
    Apr, 2014 17

    An hashtable is a collection class in C# . Usually an hashtable stores key and value pairs in dictionary format . For more details see hashtable in c#

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  • Palle Technologies
    Apr, 2014 17

    An hashtable is a collection class in C# . Usually an hashtable stores key and value pairs in dictionary format . For more details see hashtable in c#

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  • Khan Abrar Ahmed
    Apr, 2014 16

    The Hashtable class represents a collection of key-and-value pairs that are organized based on the hash code of the key. It uses the key to access the elements in the collection.A hash table is used when you need to access elements by using key, and you can identify a useful key value. Each item in the hash table has a key/value pair. The key is used to access the items in the collection.

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  • Hussain Ahmed
    Apr, 2014 15

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  • Munesh Sharma
    Apr, 2014 15

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  • Mohit Kumar
    Apr, 2014 7

    If we are having a large no of key value pair at that time we can use HashTable for storing the pairs For more Interview Question You can refer this link csharp interview questions

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