Praveen Kumar
What is the usage of Enumeration in C# Programming and is it good to use or not ?
By Praveen Kumar in Algorithms in C# on Nov 01 2015
  • Khaleek Ahmad
    Feb, 2017 2

    Enumeration used for giving a more meaningful name to some constant. Like if you have three action named Add,Remove,Update than you can create an enum enum Mode { Add, Update, Remove }It is good to use enumeration because it improves readability.

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  • Kapi Shivhare
    Jul, 2016 17


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  • sushil kumar
    Jun, 2016 1

    If you have group of constant value then it better to use enums.

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  • Gayatri Sravya
    May, 2016 4

    It is a feature to group a set of constants.Yes, it is good to use and it ->improves readability -> provides default values to enum members.

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  • kanhu panda
    Feb, 2016 2

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  • Praveen Kumar
    Nov, 2015 1

    kindly share your advice?

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