Jayraj Chhaya
What is the need for MERGE statement?

What is the need for MERGE statement in SQL?

By Jayraj Chhaya in SQL Server on Jan 25 2024
  • Alpesh Maniya
    Jan, 2024 29

    The MERGE statement in SQL is used for efficient upsert operations, combining conditional INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE in a single statement. It is valuable for synchronizing data between tables, avoiding race conditions, maintaining data integrity, and reducing round trips to the database. It's particularly useful when you want to insert a new record or update an existing one based on a specified condition in a single, atomic operation.

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  • Baibhav Kumar
    Feb, 2024 13

    The MERGE statement in SQL is like a multitasking command it can insert new data, update existing records, or delete specific entries all at once. This makes it super handy for keeping your database organized and up-to-date without needing multiple steps. It’s like getting multiple chores done with one swift move!

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