What is the main difference between HTML and XML?
By Soni in ASP.NET on Mar 11 2007
  • Mar, 2007 13

    Sorry.. In HTML we can not able to create the custom message while in the XML we can

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  • Mar, 2007 13

    The most important difference between HTML and XML is in HTML you can able to create custom tags while in XML we can. The XML is transfered over network very easily and it can pass the firewalls also so the data transfer becomes very easy. With the help of XML it is easy to implement latest technologies like Ajax. So XML plays vital role in data transfer. while HTML is only used to display data in browser. It is most flexible format to send over the net.

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  • Mrinal Jaiswal
    Mar, 2007 12

    HTML is for data presentation and XML is for data defination.

    HTML has pre definded tags and in XML u can craete ur own tags.

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