Hanif Hefaz
What is the difference between Session and response.Redirect?
By Hanif Hefaz in ASP.NET on Jul 24 2016
  • Jefferson S. Motta
    Jul, 2018 25

    Session is used to cache data between pages at the same Project, each new user logged has his own Session. Response.Redirect just send the browser to a new URL.

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  • Bharathi Raja
    Jun, 2018 21

    Response.Redirect() sends a redirection header to the client, and the client itself requests the new page.Session: Session is a server side object, which transfer or access data between page call.

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  • Mukesh Kumar
    Aug, 2017 23

    we can use response.redirect in both html& aspx pages. but server.redirect can be used in aspx pages only but at same server

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