Anantha Narayanan
What is the difference between PRIMARY KEY and UNIQUE KEY with NOT NULL constraint?
By Anantha Narayanan in Databases & DBA on Mar 26 2007
  • RajaGopal Gce
    Jan, 2017 21

    primary-single, auto increment,not null,one primary key allowed unique-nullable,allowed unique key more,

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  • Petra Zeiler
    Mar, 2007 29

    Hi. in data level we have: Primary key = unique identifier of a row in DB & is NOT NULL. Unique key = unique identifier of a row in DB & is NULL ABLE. in perfect design model we have: Primary key = unique identifier of an entity and is meaningless. Unique key = unique identifier of a entity and is meaningful.

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  • Mar, 2007 27

    the primary diffrence bitween primary key & unique key is when we  assign primary key to a particular column cluster index automatically created for that column.

    primary key= unique +not null+ clustered index

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  • prasad mummidi
    Mar, 2007 26

    Both of them are same. we can say primary key=unique key+not null

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