sibasish pal
What is the difference between datareader and dataadapter
By sibasish pal in ASP.NET on Jan 20 2009
  • Umar Ali
    Sep, 2012 1

    Please refer to the following URLs to know the differences between DataReader and DataAdapter,

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  • P Narasimha
    Jan, 2009 22

    Data Reader:Data Reader is Nothing but It can be Read only Forword only Access data from Database ,It is faster,It can returns Onyl One record from Database.
    Data Adapter:Data Adapter is Bridge Btween the Dataset and Database,it can be used Fill() method like,
    dataset ds=new Dataset();
    Sqldataadapter da=new SqldataAdapter("select Query",Con);

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  • Sanjeev Singh
    Jan, 2009 21

    Datareader reads the record from the database one by one and forward only.

    DataAdapter is a bridge which is Intract between datasource and  datatable.

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