Yachit Kumar
What is Controller in MVC application?
By Yachit Kumar in ASP.NET MVC on Nov 04 2012
  • lakshmi G
    Sep, 2014 26

    With the ASP.NET MVC Framework, every request routes to a controller, which is simply a class that implements the IController interface. Microsoft provides the base class System.Web.Mvc.Controller to make creating a controller easy. The controller base class you choose is not crucial because most request processing goes into executing the ActionResult, which is the type that each action returns.

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  • lakshmi G
    Sep, 2014 26

    With the ASP.NET MVC Framework, every request routes to a controller, which is simply a class that implements the IController interface. Microsoft provides the base class System.Web.Mvc.Controller to make creating a controller easy. The controller base class you choose is not crucial because most request processing goes into executing the ActionResult, which is the type that each action returns.

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  • Damodar A
    Apr, 2014 14

    It is an action method

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