Muhammad Imran Ansari
What is Class diagram, why we need this?

What is Class diagram, why we need this in Object Oriented Programming?

By Muhammad Imran Ansari in .NET on May 20 2022
  • Jaydeep Patil
    Jun, 2022 16

    Basically Class Diagram is blueprint of your application and is show relationship of different component which are present in your application and subsystem.

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  • Rajesh Gami
    Jul, 2022 18

    Class diagrams are the blueprints of your system or subsystem. You can use class diagrams to model the objects that make up the system, to display the relationships between the objects, and to describe what those objects do and the services that they provide. Class diagrams are useful in many stages of system design.

    Purpose Of Class Diagrams

    Shows static structure of classifiers in a system
    Diagram provides a basic notation for other structure diagrams prescribed by UML
    Helpful for developers and other team members too
    Business Analysts can use class diagrams to model systems from a business perspective

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