Lalit Kumar
What is ADO.Net
By Lalit Kumar in ASP.NET on Jul 30 2009
  • C# Curator
    Aug, 2009 26

    • ADO stands for ActiveX Data Objects
    • ADO.NET is a database technology of .NET Framework used to connect application system and database server.
    • ADO.NET is a part of the .NET Framework
    • ADO.NET consists of a set of classes used to handle data access
    • ADO.NET uses XML to store and transfer data among applications, which is not only an industry standard but also provide fast access of data for desktop and distributed applications.
    • ADO.NET is scalable and interoperable.

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    Aug, 2009 14

    ADO.NET...  here ADO stands for Active Data Objects.. which are specially desingned classes for handelling the database may be microsoft database or third party database like Microsoft Access etc...

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  • Rekha Singh
    Jul, 2009 31

     ADO.NET is used by programmers to access and modify data stored in relational database systems, though it can also be used to access data in non-relational sources.

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