Mudit Thakur
What are the main differences between NAS (Network-attached storage) and HDFS?
By Mudit Thakur in Big Data on Jul 23 2019
  • Laxmidhar Sahoo
    Jan, 2020 11

    NAS stands for Network-attached Storage and is generally regarded as the storage server which is file-level. It is connected to a server and is mainly responsible to make sure that the access has been provided to a group of users. When it comes to storing and accessing the files, all the responsibilities are beard by the NAS which can be a software or a hardware. It provides data access to a heterogeneous group of clients.On the other side, HDFS is a distributed file system and is actually based on commodity hardware HDFS is the primary storage system of Hadoop. It designs to store very large files running on a cluster of commodity hardware.

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  • Elavarasan R
    Aug, 2019 16


    • The Hadoop Distributed File System runs under cluster architecture.

    • It mainly designed to work on the MapReduce task.

    • Here the Data stored local drives along with their blocks.


    • The Network Attached Storage can run under the individual machine.

    • Data should be stored in dedicated Hardware only.

    • It minimizing the redundancy.

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