Dharmendra Gaur
What are the Important test scenarios which can be used for testing a web site?
By Dharmendra Gaur in Software Testing on Jan 31 2011
  • Manish Dwivedi
    Feb, 2011 10

    For testing of a website which has all static& dynamic pages, 

    Major scenarios include following:

    1)Content check
    2)Load& Performance of the website ( Page Load,Response
    time,Error Handling during Page Load)
    3)Hyper links in each page
    4)GUI Testing
    5)Platform/Web browser compatibility
    6)Third Party Plug in Support
    7)Embedded Scripts
    8)Default settings/ configuration tests
    9)Security certificate supports
    10)Authorization & Authentication features during the
    transactions from the website,or terms and
    conditions,copyrights,policy checks

    And many more depending on the type of the Web Site.

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