Pavan Ramamurthy
What are the Annotations allowed for testing in N-Unit ?

SetUp, Test and TearDown : are annotations allowed for testing in NUnit

By Pavan Ramamurthy in C# on Mar 31 2021
  • Selvakumar Raju
    Jul, 2023 31

    Culture, random, retry, category, one time dear down, one time setup, test

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  • Pranam Bhat
    May, 2021 22

    1) Category : Specifies one or more categories for the test 2) Culture : Specifies cultures for which a test or fixture should be run 3) Indicates : Indicates that a test should be skipped unless explicitly run 4) Ignore : Indicates that a test shouldn't be run for some reason 5) MaxTime : Specifies the maximum time in milliseconds for a test case to succeed 6) OneTimeSetUp : Identifies methods to be called once prior to any child tests 7) OneTimeTearDown : Identifies methods to be called once after all child tests 8) Platform : Specifies platforms for which a test or fixture should be run 9) Random : Specifies generation of random values as arguments to a parameterized test 10) Repeat : Specifies that the decorated method should be executed multiple times 11) Retry : Causes a test to rerun if it fails, up to a maximum number of times 12) TearDown : Indicates a method of a TestFixture called immediately after each test method 13) Test : Marks a method of a TestFixture that represents a test 14) TestCase : Marks a method with parameters as a test and provides inline arguments 15) Timeout : Provides a timeout value in milliseconds for test cases 16) SetUp : Indicates a method of a TestFixture called immediately before each test method

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