Shivprasad Koirala
WCF Interview Question -Major difference between Basic httpbinding and WShttpbinding?
By Shivprasad Koirala in ASP.NET on Apr 26 2011
  • Pramod Verma
    Feb, 2015 10

    We can Implement Security in wshttpbinding but we can not implement Security in basichttpbinding in WCF.

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  • Shivprasad Koirala
    Apr, 2011 26


    Basic Httpbinding:In httpbinding Data is sent as a plain text.In other words,there is no security provided for the message when the client calls happen.

    This is aimed for clients who do not have .NET 3.0 installed and it supports wider ranges of clients. Many of the clients like Windows 2000 still do not run .NET 3.0. So older version of .NET can consume this service.
    It uses SOAP1.1 version.

    WShttpbinding:As WsHttBinding supports WS-*, it has WS-Security enabled by default. So the data is not sent in plain text.
    As its built using WS-* specifications, it does not support wider ranges of client and it cannot be consumed by older .NET version less than 3 version.
    It uses SOAP 1.2 and WS-Addressing specification.


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