Varun Setia
How does C++ support Multiple Inheritance ?

How does c++ support multiple inheritance ?

By Varun Setia in .NET on Jul 27 2020
  • Xonoy Bau
    May, 2023 31

    C++ supports multiple inheritance, which means that a class can inherit properties from more than one base class. In order to implement multiple inheritance, C++ uses the following syntax:

    1. class DerivedClass: accessSpecifier BaseClass1, accessSpecifier BaseClass2
    2. {
    3. // class members and functions
    4. };

    In the above syntax, accessSpecifier refers to the access level of the base class, which can be either public, protected, or private.

    When a class is derived from multiple base classes, the class inherits all the properties of all the base classes. C++ resolves any naming conflicts that arise due to multiple inheritance by using the scope resolution operator.

    It is important to note that wordle today multiple inheritance can lead to complex program designs and can also cause ambiguity issues. In order to avoid these issues, it is recommended to use multiple inheritance only when it is absolutely necessary.

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  • Pranam Bhat
    May, 2021 28

    Multiple Inheritance is a feature of C where a class can inherit from more than one classes. The constructors of inherited classes are called in the same order in which they are inherited. For example, in the following program, B's constructor is called before A's constructor.Reference :

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