ItemDataBound function
By Sphurthy in ASP.NET on May 05 2008
  • kumar goutam
    May, 2008 14

    itemdatabound is the default event of datagrid control which fires automatically at the time of databinding.it reads each and every rows from the resultset and binds to the datagrid.when ever we required to manipulate something at the time of databinding then we need to use this event.e.g if my gridcontrol contains another grid(as a child control) within it then itemdatabound event takes a vital role to bind the child controls at the time of binding of parent control with the result sets(either dataset,datatable or idictornaries).

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  • kumar goutam
    May, 2008 14

    itemdatabound is the default event of datagrid control which fires automatically at the time of databinding.it reads each and every rows from the resultset and binds to the datagrid.when ever we required to manipulate something at the time of databinding then we need to use this event.e.g if my gridcontrol contains another grid(as a child control) within it then itemdatabound event takes a vital role to bind the child controls at the time of binding of parent control with the result sets.

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  • Raj Kumar
    May, 2008 9

    The ItemDataBound fires once for each DataGridItem added to the DataGrid (that is, it fires once for each row that is added to the DataGrid). Essentially, what we need to do is in this event handler, check to see if the price is below the threshold ($10.00, or whatever lower bound you choose). If it is, then we want to set the DataGridItem's BackColor property to Yellow, thereby highlighting the row.

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  • Sphurthy
    May, 2008 5

    What is the purpose of ItemDataBound with respect to a DataGrid.

    for more questions on Datagrid checkout Datagrid in ASP.NET

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