Ujjval Shukla
In C# static void Main(string[] args){ } is the entry point of application.string[] args is used for command-line arguments.So what is the use of these command-line arguments ?
By Ujjval Shukla in C# on Jan 30 2017
  • Anurag Maurya
    Feb, 2017 10

    if you are creating the EXE like MyDemoApp.execlass Program {static void Main(string[] args){foreach (var arg in args){Console.WriteLine(arg);}} }Command line like this:MyDemoApp.exe agrument1 agrument2 agrument3if you are not passing the string[] agrs then you can not paas the arguments in command line.but Exe will run fine.

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  • Mukesh Kumar
    Aug, 2017 31

    you can pass array of numbers

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