How will you load dynamic assembly? How will create assemblies at run time?
By in .NET on Aug 02 2006
  • manoj kumar
    Mar, 2015 17

    simply you can load the assembly by using namespace. using system.Reflection; create an object Assembly assembly=Assembly.Load("AssemblyName"); Type t=assembly.GetType("AssemblyName.Class"); through the method info you can get the methods name and it will be come in array.

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  • Sureder Rawat
    Aug, 2006 3

    to load the dynamically you have to use the reflection feature of dot net through the System.Reflection name space

    whose assemble class has a method assembly.loadfrom(assembly name) that load the assembly.

    or if you want to create a dynamic assembly in memory at runtime then you can use System.Reflection.Emit name space.

    Surender Rawat

    [email protected]

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