Which are the folders that will be default created whenever the new SPFx project is created
SPFx - File Structure1. .vscode folder -> Contain the debugging and task configurationextensions.jsonlaunch.jsonsettings.json 2. Config Folder - Contains JSON files that defines the configuration of SPFx solutionconfig.jsoncopy-assets.jsondeploy-azure-storage.jsonpackage-solution.jsonserve.jsonwrite-mainfests.json 3. Node_module => contains javascript modules dependencies 4. src Folderloc - interface and languate localizationwebpart.manifest.json - configuration related to webpartwebpart.modlule.scss - css for your webpartwebpart.ts - The entry point for the webpartcomponenents folder 5. .gitignore: 6. .yo-rc.json 7. gulpfile.js 8. package-lock.json 9. package.josn ->this file holds various metadata relevant to the project 10. tsconfig.json -> file in a directory indicates that the directory is the root of a TypeScript project.s 11. tslint.json -> tslint checks TypeScript code for readability, maintainability, and functionality errors