Nikki Nagarkar
Explain the difference between package.json and tsconfig.json files in Angular.
By Nikki Nagarkar in Angular on Sep 09 2019
  • Laxmidhar Sahoo
    Dec, 2019 14

    If you’ve been working on JavaScript and/or Node.js projects at any capacity these past few years, surely you’ve come across some package.json files, npm’s configuration file for projects and modules. In this post we’ll explore some of the most important keys and values found in a typical package.json file.

    The easiest and fastest way to initiate a project with the npm package manager is using the init command and the -y flag

    Command :

    $ npm init -y

    The tsconfig.json file allows you to specify the root level files and the compiler options that requires to compile a TypeScript project. The presence of this file in a directory specifies that the said directory is the TypeScript project root.

    The “compilerOptions” property allows you to specify additional options to the TypeScript compiler. Here’s a list of few optional settings part of the compilerOptions property that you may need most of the time: listFiles, module, outDir, outFile, rootDir, sourceRoot, allowUnreachableCode, allowJs, noImplicitUseStrict, strictNullChecks and more.

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  • Aruljothy Sundaramoorthy
    Oct, 2019 8

    *Package.json* - contains the details of all dependencies (like boostrap) which was used in the current project*tscinfig.json" - The tsconfig.json file corresponds to the configuration of the TypeScript compiler (tsc).or simply it contains the configuration of typescript lang.

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