Amita Palkar - Junnarkar
Difference between IEnumerable and Enumerable
By Amita Palkar - Junnarkar in C# on Mar 23 2018
  • Satish Kumar Vadlavalli
    Apr, 2018 4

    IEnumerable An enumerable class implements the IEnumerable interface. The IEnumerable interface has only one method GetEnumerator, which returns an IEnumerator interface.

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  • Jignesh Kumar
    Jun, 2018 14

    IEnumerable is an interface. It is part of system.collection namespace and it has one method, GetEnumerator. This is the method the foreach loop uses loop through a collection and returns an IEnumerator Interface.An Enumerable class is part of Linq library and is a bunch of extension methods written for the IEnumerable interface. It has many extension methods like First, FirstorDefault, Any, Last, LastorDefault, Max, Sum, Average etc...

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  • Tushar Dikshit
    Apr, 2018 3

    IEnumerable is an interface.Enumerable class is part of Linq library and is a bunch of extension methods written for the IEnumerable interface.

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  • Deepak Verma
    May, 2018 18

    IEnumerable is an interface and Enumerable is a class which is used to implement IEnumerable. The Enumerable class is part of Linq library and contain many extension methods written for the IEnumerable interface. (like Any(), Count(), etc).

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  • Pankaj Kumar
    Jun, 2018 19

    IEnumerable: it is an interface and it is part of system.collection namespace . it has one methods such as GetEnumerator.Enumerable: it is a is part of Linq library and is a bunch of extension methods written for the IEnumerable interface.

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  • Prabhu Narayanan
    May, 2018 17

    IEnumerable is an interface that defines one method GetEnumerator which returns an IEnumerator interface, this in turn allows readonly access to a collection. A collection that implements IEnumerable can be used with a foreach statement.

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  • Shrimant Telgave
    May, 2018 6

    IEnumerable is an interface. It is used to iterate content. and Enumerable is a class to implement the IEnumerable.If you want more information please visit following URL

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  • Sanjit Kumar Singh
    May, 2018 5

    IEnumerable- It is an Interface and Exposes the enumerator, which supports a simple iteration over a collection of a specified type.Enumerable- It is a class and Provides a set of static methods for querying objects that implement IEnumerable.

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  • sushil kumar
    Mar, 2019 8

    IEnumerable is an interface. Enumerable is helper class which implements the method of IEnumerable interface.IEnumerable is just pure abstract class.

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  • Shivam Shukla
    Jun, 2018 27

    IEnumerable is an interface an object can implement if it wants clients to able able to iterate through its contents. Enumerable is a helper class that contaions static methods that implement the IEnummerbale extensions. So if a class supports IEnummerable you can do this.

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