suresh reddy kallathur
Difference between FAT 32 and NTFS?
  • wang heaven
    Jul, 2008 2

    Before FAT32 file system,the main file system is FAT16 in pc,such as MS-DOS,Win95 ect,in Win 9X,the biggest district can be supported to be 2GB,FAT32 in win2000 can support 32GB.FAT32 file system can be re-positioning the root directory and use backup copies of the FAT. In addition FAT32 Division launched a record be included in the critical data contained in the structure of a computer system to reduce the possibility of collapse.NTFS file system is based on the safety of a file system is used by the Windows NT file system unique structure, it is built on the protection of data files and directories, based on savings at the same time take care of storage resources, reduce the amount of disk occupied an advanced The file system. The use of very wide range of Windows NT 4.0 using the file system is NTFS 4.0, I believe it has the strong security of the system to the majority of users will leave a deep impression. Win 2000 adopted the updated version of the NTFS file system?? NTFS 5.0, it makes the introduction of user can not only like Win 9X as convenient to operate and manage computers, can also enjoy the NTFS brought about by the security of the system.

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