CSharp TV
Live Show

Service-to-Service Invocation: Dapr in Action - Ep.3

Rohit Tomar CSharp TV

On Dec 23, join us for the next episode of Dapr in Action a weekly live show at 11:00 AM (EST) focused on Service-to-Service invocation.

In this episode, you will understand what the Service-to-Service invocation building block is, how it works, and how you can use it in your own applications.


A new weekly series about creating robust distributed applications and microservices using Dapr (Distributed Application Runtime).

Developers and software architects who are building distributed applications and/or microservices and they want to understand how Dapr can make their lives easier. I will use .NET and C#, but will try to use other languages as well (for example, Python).


Chapter Leader

Stephen Simon

RD for C# Corner (India & Asia Pacific Region)

Live Show Details
