Islamabad Chapter
Live Show

Building and Scaling with Azure App Services - Azure Essentials Series - Ep: 5

Rohit Tomar Islamabad Chapter

On June 22, Join us for the fifth episode of our "Azure Essentials" series as we explore Azure App Services, a comprehensive platform for building, deploying, and scaling web apps and APIs. In this episode, we'll dive into the features and capabilities of Azure App Services, and demonstrate how to create scalable, reliable applications with ease.

During the episode, we'll cover:

  • Introduction to Azure App Services
    • Overview of Azure App Services and its key features
    • Different types of App Services: Web App, Static Web App, Web App + Database, WordPress on App Service
  • Setting Up and Deploying Azure App Services
    • Step-by-step guide to creating and configuring an Azure App Service
    • Best practices for deploying applications, including CI/CD pipelines with Azure DevOps
  • Scaling and Performance Optimization
    • Auto-scaling strategies to handle varying workloads
    • Performance tuning tips to ensure high availability and responsiveness
  • Monitoring and Diagnostics
    • Tools and techniques for monitoring the health and performance of your apps
    • Diagnosing and troubleshooting common issues with Azure Monitor and Application Insights
  • Real-world Use Cases
    • Case studies showcasing successful implementations of Azure App Services across various industries
    • Practical examples and lessons learned from real-world scenarios
  • Q&A and Interactive Session
    • Open floor for questions and discussions
    • Troubleshooting common issues and sharing insights
  • Closing Remarks and Next Steps
    • Recap of key takeaways
    • Information on upcoming episodes in the Azure Essentials Series
    • How to access recording and additional resources

Don't miss this opportunity to deepen your understanding of Azure App Services and learn how to build and scale robust, scalable web applications and APIs in the cloud. Register now and join us for an informative session packed with practical insights and demonstrations!


Chapter Leader

Habibul Rehman

Hello, I'm Habib Ul Rehman, a seasoned Microsoft Certified Solution Developer: App Builder, and a proficient expert in C#. Proudly holding a position in ...

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