Functions in SQL Server: Practical Guide

Raj Kumar

This book discusses the Basic Functions in SQL Server 2005.

  • Published on Dec 15 2014
  • Pages 38
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Table of Contents

  1. Introduction of Functions in SQL Server 2005

    1.1 Built-in Functions

  2. String Functions

    2.1 LEN (string)
    2.2 LTRIM (string)
    2.3 RTRIM (string)
    2.4 LEFT (string, length)
    2.5 RIGTH (string, length)
    2.6 SUBSTRING (string, start, length)
    2.7 REPLACE (search, find, replace)
    2.8 REVERSE (string)
    2.9 CHARINDEX (find, search [, start])
    2.10 PATINDEX (find, search [, start])
    2.11 LOWER (string)
    2.12 UPPER (string)
    2.13 SPACE (integer)

  3. Numeric Functions

    3.1 ROUND (number, length, [function])
    3.2 ISNUMERIC(expressions)
    3.3 ABS (number)
    3.4 CEILING (number)
    3.5 FLOOR (number)
    3.6 SQUARE (float_number)
    3.7 SQRT (float_number)
    3.8 RAND ([seed])

  4. Date/Time Functions

    4.1 GetDate ()
    4.2 GETUTCDATE()
    4.3 DAY (date)
    4.4 MONTH (date)
    4.5 YEAR (date)
    4.6 DATENAME (datepart, date)
    4.7 DATEPART(datepart, date)
    4.8 DATEADD (datepart, number, date)
    4.9 DATEDIFF (datepart, startdate, enddate)
    4.10 ISDATE (expression)

  5. More Functions

    5.1 CASE
    5.2 COALESCE
    5.3 ISNULL
    5.4 GROUPING
    5.5 ROW_Number()
    5.6 RANK ()
    5.7 DENSE_RANK ()
    5.8 NTILE (integer_expression)