WhatsApp's Calling Feature

Whats App Calling Feature
Guys, finally wait is over. Now Whats App calling feature is available to all android users.

User can make voice calls through the internet to other Whats App users without any other needs
like- invite, link, confirmation etc.
But this is not that easy as you guys were thinking. Actually for using that Calling feature one need to install the APK installation file for the latest versions of whatsApp from WhatsApp's official website.
After Installation
Once you will complete the installation and activation, WhatsApp's user interface will turn into a separate screen for dialing voice calls to your WhatsApp contacts.
That chat window will display a calling button. 
  • Still unavailable for iPhones
  • Doesn't work on Windows Phone either
  • Requires separate APK
That's all from this blog. :)
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