Way to Programmer can Call Show Method

 Here, I created a interface IShow having one method Show(). We have two Class A, B inhrits from Interface IShow. In this Senario, how many way to programmer can show() method.

namespace ConsoleApplication


    interface IShow


        void Show();


    class A : IShow


        public virtual void Show()


            Console.WriteLine("Base Class function");


        public void Show1()


            Console.WriteLine("Base Class function");



    class B : A


        public override void Show()


            Console.WriteLine("Drived Class function");


        public void Show2()


            Console.WriteLine("Drived Class function");


        static void Main(string[] args)


            A A = new A();


            B B = new B();


            A A1 = new B();


            IShow S = new A();


            IShow S1 = new B();






Note : - Now you can see there is 5 way to call the Show method.

1. Create an object of A Class and Call the function

 A A = new A();
A.  Show();   

2. Create an object of B Class and Call the function

 B B = new B();

3. Create an A derived class object can be represented a its base class object. (Late Binding) and Call the function

 A A1 = new B();

4. Create an Interface reference pointer of A Class and Call the function

 IShow S = new A();

5. Create an Interface reference pointer of B Class and Call the function

 IShow S1 = new B();
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