Using Connection Pooling

Using Connection Pooling

Database connection pooling allows an application to reuse an existing connection from a pool instead of repeatedly establishing a new connection with the database. This technique can significantly increase the scalability of an application, because a limited number of database connections can serve a much larger number of clients. This technique also improves performance, because the significant time required to establish a new connection can be avoided.
Data access technologies such as ODBC and OLE DB provide forms of connection pooling, which are configurable to varying degrees. Both approaches are largely transparent to the database client application. OLE DB connection pooling is often referred to as session or resource pooling.
ADO.NET data providers provide transparent connection pooling, the exact mechanics of which vary for each provider. This section discusses connection pooling in relation to:
  • The SQL Server .NET Data Provider
  • The Oracle .NET Data Provider
  • The OLE DB .NET Data Provider
  • The ODBC .NET Data Provider

Shashi Ray

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