I've been frustrated with the Microsoft listbox in the toolkit and its ability to bind selections. Telerik is a step ahead of the game. They have come out with a RadTreeView that allows you to do binding to selections without bugs.
You can create HierarchalTemplates for your RadTreeView that bind to selections through a dependency property called ContainerBindings. The ContainerBindings is of type ContainerBindingCollection as shown below. You can put your binding for your ViewModel inside this collection.
<telerikControls:ContainerBindingCollection x:Name="SelectedItemBinding">
<telerikControls:ContainerBinding PropertyName="IsSelected" Binding="{Binding IsSelected, Mode=TwoWay}" />
Now your HierarchalDataTemplate looks like this:
<telerikControls:HierarchicalDataTemplate x:Key="MyItemsTemplate"
telerikControls:ContainerBinding.ContainerBindings="{StaticResource SelectedItemBinding}">
<Border Opacity="{Binding Opacity}" >
<TextBlock Margin="10,0,5,0" Text="{Binding Name}" />
And your RadTreeView looks like this, referring to the items template described above:
<telerikNavigation:RadTreeView x:Name="myTreeView" Grid.Row="1" dragDrop:RadDragAndDropManager.AllowDrag="True"
ItemTemplate="{StaticResource MyItemsTemplate}"
ItemsSource="{Binding MyItemsInTheViewModel}"
ItemContainerStyle="{StaticResource MyRadTreeViewItemStyle}"
Inside your ViewModel for your item (the data context of the item in your view, and not the data context for your treeview collection), you would have the property:
private bool isSelected;
public bool IsSelected
get { return isSelected; }
isSelected = value;
RaisPropertyChanged(this, "IsSelected");