In this blog we will see some of the useful shortcuts for VS Code which will be helpful for doing your programs faster.
VS Code shortcuts for Windows
Ctrl + ` (backtick) -------------------> Open Terminal / Close terminal.
Ctrl + Shift + ` (backtick) ---------> Open new Terminal
Ctrl + K + C ----------------------------> Comment selected lines of code.
Shift + Alt + F -------------------------> Code Alignment
Ctrl + P ----------------------------------> Search file (command palette)
Ctrl + K + W ---------------------------> Close all the tabs opened.
Shift + Alt + (down arrow) -----------> Duplicate line downwards
Alt + MouseClicks -------------------> Select / Have multiple cursors
Ctrl + G ----------------------------------> Go to line (Enter line number)
Ctrl + D -----------------------------------> Find / select similar matches of words
Alt + (up) or (down) ------------------> To move the line of code up or down
Windows + . (dot) ---------------------> Emoji ??
Ctrl + Shift + E -------------------------> To switch between Editor & Side menu folders
Ctrl + Shift + U -------------------------> Make the selected text into UPPERCASE
Ctrl + U -----------------------------------> Convert selected text to lower case.
Ctrl + Shift + V -------------------------> Clipboard history
Ctrl + TAB --------------------------------> To switch between tabs
Ctrl + K + S -------------------------------> Save all Files
Ctrl + C (without selecting anything) -------------> Copies the entire line of code in which the curosr is present
Ctrl + X (without selecting anything) --------------> Cuts the entire line of code in which the cursor is present
I hope this would help you make your coding easier. Visual Studio and VS Code shortcuts may differ slightly. We will see Visual Studio shortcuts in upcoming blogs. That is all for now. Happy coding.
Thank You!