Use Of Generic in Java


In this blog I will be explaining the Generic keyword in java.
Generic keyword means more type safety. It helps to write type-safe collection. The use of generic is of utter importance. Before the generic was used, if you are trying to create the arraylist, then you just need to write -:
ArrayList list=new ArrayList();
A Diagrammatic Representation of ArrayList
Before Generic
In this ArrayList, you can save an object of class Cat, Dog, Fish,  Lion. The list becomes the mixture of  objects of different class and it is difficult to perform any operation on the list. So, the introduction of generic has included an element  <E > that we have to define while creating ArrayList, like
The Syntax of creating ArrayList is-:
ArrayList<E> list1= new ArrayList<E>();
So, above arraylist will be written as-:
ArrayList <CAT> list=new ArrayList<CAT>() ;
In this ArrayList,  Objects of only Cat class will be saved and now you can perform various operations on it. I hope this article was useful to you and thank you for reading it.