Top Keyword in SQL

What is Top Keyword?

  • Top Keyword in SQL is used to retrieve the data from the top of the table.
  • It retrieves only the first few set of rows from the top of the desired table.
When to use Top Keyword?
  • When you want to retrieve a number of records from the top.
  • When you want to retrieve a specific percentage of rows from the top.

FROM TableName
WHERE SearchCondition
[ORDER BY columnNames]
  • TOP is a keyword used to retrieve rows from top of the table.
  • n is the number of rows to be retrieved.
  • PERCENT keyword can be used with n if we want to retrieve "n" percent of rows.
  • WITH TIES specifies the result can contain matching rows too.
  • ORDER BY clause specifies the order in which the rows should be returned.
  1. Select TOP 10 * From Students;  
This query retrieves the Top 10 rows from the Students table.
  1. Select TOP 10 PERCENT * From Students;  
This query retrieves the Top 10% rows of the Students table.
  1. Select TOP 5 * From Students  
  2. Where Marks>80;  
This query retrieves the Top 5 records from the Students table where the Marks are greater than 80.
  1. Select Top 10 WITH TIES StudentID, StudentName, Marks, City From Students  
  2. Where Marks>80  
  3. ORDER BY StudentID;  
This query retrieves the Top 10 records from the Students table along with ties where Marks are greater than 80 and will sort the result in ascending order of StudentID.
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