Top 10 Best Practices of SQL Server Database

Top 10 Best Practices of SQL Server Database

  1. Always make sure that you are clear about your IO for your SQL server and your IO of your Application.

  2. Use error handlers such as Transactions, Try Catch, and Triggers so that the system will not go into breakout mode.

  3. Always keep your table simple and in Normalized Form instead of making one huge table, this offers good performance and more flexibility.

  4. Make sure that Validations and Conversions are done properly before to and fro flow of data between application and the database.

  5. Use of Temp Table should be done wherever possible so as to avoid heavy queries on large databases.

  6. Use of Stored procedures and Functions is one of the best practices rather than writing the query again and again.

  7. Always use Indexing method wherever possible.

  8. Test your query before actual implementation.

  9. Also try to use Dynamic Query sometime as it is more beneficial than non-dynamic query.

  10. Try to avoid storage of redundant data in your database.
