SQL Script To List All Columns of a Table in SQL Server


In my last post, I explained how can you list all tables from a specific table in a database. In this post, we will see different ways of retrieving all columns from a specific table in a database. It is a very simple script to get all columns for a table from a database. We can do it using following 3 ways –

  • Using sp_help Stored Procedure
  • Using sys.all_columns table

Let us see how can we get the column names using each of them. Lets assume our table name is “Student”.

  1. USE MyDB  
  2. GO  
  4. GO  
  5. EXEC sp_help 'Student'  
  6. GO  
  7. select * from sys.all_columns where object_id = OBJECT_ID('Student')  
  8. GO 

Hope you like this post! Keep Learning and sharing! Cheers!

Rebin Infotech
Think. Innovate. Grow.