SQL Cache dependency

SQL Cache dependency is a fantastic concept introduced with SQL Server 2005. It's nothing but maintaining the table data in the cache until the table is getting altered.

Conserdering am having a table named Venkat_table in the database Venkat_database.

The first step is to execute the below command in the command prompt,

aspnet_regsql.exe -Saa -Uaa -Paa -ed -d Venkat_database -et -t Venkat_table

(Search your machine for aspnet_regsql.exe and go to that path for executing the above command)

Once if you execute the above command AspNet_SqlCacheTablesForChangeNotification table will be created in the database and the above Venkat_table will be added in the Cache list.

This will increase the performance of data retrieval for this table.

Venkatesan Prabu .J
Head - KaaShivInfoTech