SharePoint: ClientContext.Load Method Cannot be Loaded


While working with Client Context you might have come across this error in Visual Studio;
'Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.ClientContext' does not contain a definition for 'Load' and no extension method 'Load' accepting a first argument of type 'Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.ClientContext' could be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference).

cs code


The reason for the load method error is as follows:

  • ClientContext inherits from ClientRuntimeContext.

  • ClientContext is defined in Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.dll.

  • ClientRuntimeContext is defined in Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.Runtime.dll.

  • ClientRuntimeContext defines the Load method.
Add Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.Runtime.dll along with Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.dll to project assembly references. Now you should be good to go.

Happy SharePointing !!!