Setting Web Part Pane Properties On Button Click Event And When Other Web Part Properties Changes

Create client side Web part, using React Framework commands given below.

  • Open command prompt
  • md LoadButtonpocwebpart
  • cd LoadButtonpocwebpart
  • yo @microsoft/sharepoint- choose react framework
  • run code . to open Visual studio code

For this demo I have added a text field named WebpartTitle, button named ClickHere and a choicegroup field named ChoiceGroups.

  • Add the Web part custom properties for these fields in manifest.json file.
    1. {  
    2.   "$schema""../../../node_modules/@microsoft/sp-module-interfaces/lib/manifestSchemas/jsonSchemas/clientSideComponentManifestSchema.json",  
    4.   "id""06cc821c-ca66-480a-aae2-33ae02f9c62f",  
    5.   "alias""LoadbuttonpocWebPart",  
    6.   "componentType""WebPart",  
    7.   "version""0.0.1",  
    8.   "manifestVersion": 2,  
    10.   "preconfiguredEntries": [{  
    11.     "groupId""06cc821c-ca66-480a-aae2-33ae02f9c62f",  
    12.     "group": { "default""Under Development" },  
    13.     "title": { "default""loadbuttonpoc" },  
    14.     "description": { "default""test loading indicator functionality" },  
    15.     "officeFabricIconFontName""Page",  
    16.     "properties": {  
    17.       "description""loadbuttonpoc",  
    18.         "ClickHere":"java",  
    19.         "WebpartTitle":"test"  
    21.     }  
    22.   }]  
    23. }  
  • Declare the properties in ts file.
    1. export interface ILoadbuttonpocWebPartProps  
    2.    {  
    3.        description: string;  
    4.       WebpartTitle:string;  
    5.        ChoiceGroups:string;  
    6. }  
  • Definitions for the fields are added in the getPropertyPaneConfiguration() method in LoadButtonpocwebpart.ts file.
    1. protected getPropertyPaneConfiguration(): IPropertyPaneConfiguration {  
    2.     return {  
    3.       pages: [  
    4.         {  
    5.           header: {  
    6.             description: strings.PropertyPaneDescription  
    7.           },  
    8.           groups: [  
    9.             {  
    10.               groupName: "Web pane properties",  
    11.               groupFields: [  
    13.                 PropertyPaneButton('ClickHere',  
    14.                  {  
    15.                   text: "ClickHere",  
    16.                   buttonType: PropertyPaneButtonType.Normal,  
    17.                   onClick: this.ButtonClick.bind(this)  
    18.                  }),  
    19.                 PropertyPaneTextField('WebpartTitle', {  
    20.                   label: "Web part Title"  
    21.                 }),  
    22.                 PropertyPaneChoiceGroup('ChoiceGroups', {  
    23.                   label: 'ChoiceGroups',  
    24.                   options: [  
    25.                   { key: 'dotnet', text: 'dotnet' },  
    26.                   { key: 'sharepoint', text: 'sharepoint' },  
    27.                   { key: 'java', text: 'java' }  
    28.                   ]  
    29.                   }),  
    30.               ]  
    31.             }  
    32.           ]  
    33.         }  
    34.       ]  
    35.     };  
    36.   }  
  • Using onclick attribute in propertypanebutton, we are binding onclick method Buttonclick.
  • We can call Buttonclick method with a parameter or without any parameter.
  • Pass ‘this’ parameter to get the context of the Web part, else use this.buttonlclick().
  • Here, I am setting the Web part title text field with a value called ‘updated’, when a button is clicked, so I am passing the Web part context to the onclick method.
    1. private ButtonClick(oldVal: any): any {   
    2.   "updated";  
    3.              return "test"  
    4.        }  
  • In the similar way, when choicegroup field values changes, we can set the Web part title field. For this functionality, we need to add onPropertyFieldChanged.
  • When choicegroups field value changes, the Web part title field is set with the selected value.
    1. protected onPropertyPaneFieldChanged(propertyPath: string, oldValue: any, newValue: any): void {  
    2.                 if (propertyPath === 'ChoiceGroups' &&  newValue) {  
    3.   ;  
    4.             }  
    5.                   }  

Deploy and testing

Save the file -> run Gulp serve->add the Web part in workbench.html -> edit the Web part properties.

When click here button is clicked, the Web part title field value changes.


  1. ‘Updated’  

When choicegroups field value is selected as ‘dotnet’, same value is populated in the Web part title field.

Manpreet Singh

He is a SharePoint Consultant working from Philadelphia, USA. He is a Microsoft MVP for Office Servers & Services and a C# Corner MVP. Have been working on 2007, 2010, 2013, 2016, 2019 and Office 365 versions of Shar... Read more
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