1. Open SSMS and connect to SQL Authentication
2. Open Management Tab then Maintenance plan ,new maintenance plan
3. Create new maintenance plan, then give name to it.
4. New maintenance plan has been created like this.
5. Open the Tool box ,select Backup database task.
6. After create Backup database task doubleclick the box backup database task.
7. Backup types on the window like this.
8. Next is Database selection all DB's or Single DB
9. Choosen the Backup type disk or tape then Designation
10. Select the backup format like bak, etc…
11. Verify backup Integrity to user defined mode
12. After completing all steps. Go to toolbox select the Cleanup box.
13. So Double click the Maintenance cleanup task
14. Choose new for the new connection as same as sql authentication
15. Type the backup type then backup expire date then ok ,tats all.