Running .Sql File from Command Prompt


In this blog, I demonstrate running the .sql files from the command prompt.

Step 1

Create the table using the Sql management studio.

CREATE TABLE tbl_Student  
Fname VARCHAR(100),  
Lname VARCHAR(100),  
Salary INT  

Step 2

INSERT INTO tbl_Student (Fname,LName,Salary) VALUES('Rakesh','Kalluri',10000)  
INSERT INTO tbl_Student (Fname,LName,Salary) VALUES('Srujan','Kumar',15000)  
INSERT INTO tbl_Student (Fname,LName,Salary) VALUES('Raju','Bhai',17000)  
INSERT INTO tbl_Student (Fname,LName,Salary) VALUES('Dany','Mark',18000)  

The above script file is saved in Desktop with the file name Student.sql. The file is saved on the desktop now we need to run the file from the command prompt.

Step 3

Go to run - -> Type CMD -? Click OK


Then command prompt will be opened.

Step 4

Syntax 1

    sqlcmd -S [Servername] -d[Databasename] -i [Filepath]

Syntax 2 (For SQL Authentication)

     sqlcmd -S[Servername] -U[Username] -P[Password] -d[Databasename] -i[Filepath]


After that, check the table to see how many rows were affected.

For more information about Sqlcmd.

Type sqlcmd -? in the command prompt.

show result


This blog taught us how to Run .Sql File from Command Prompt.