Retrieve Images From SharePoint Document Library Particular Folder Using C#

Already we saw how to create a SharePoint document library with folders using vs 2015 .

What a SharePoint Document Library is,

  • A Document Library is a collection of files that you can share as documents with your team members.
  • A Document Library stores the files and you can maintain the data in various folders.
  • A SharePoint Document Library is a place on a site where you can create, collect, and update files with others.
  • You can set the permission to each Document Library for the users.
  • You can show a Document Library in web part pages as List View Web Parts.

Use the below code to retrieve the images from SP document library folder,

Step 1

Open the ascx file in your project add the below html, Make sure to refer the bootstrap files

  1. <div class="row">  
  2.     <div class="carousel slide" id="myCarousel" data-ride="carousel">  
  3.         <ul class="carousel-indicators" id="carouselIndicatordiv" runat="server"> </ul>  
  4.         <div class="carousel-inner" id="carousaldiv" runat="server"> </div> <a class="carousel-control left" href="#myCarousel" data-slide="prev" id="leftIcon" runat="server"></a> <a class="carousel-control right" href="#myCarousel" data-slide="next" id="rightIcon" runat="server"></a> </div>  
  5. </div>  

Step 2

Open the ascx.cs file in your project. On the page Load call your method like below,

Step 3

Add below code to your solution

  1. private void GetSliderImages() {  
  2.     try {  
  3.         _web = SPContext.Current.Web;  
  4.         string webUrl = _web.Url;  
  5.         using(SPSite site = new SPSite(webUrl)) {  
  6.             using(SPWeb web = site.OpenWeb()) {  
  7.                 SPList list = web.Lists[CommonConstants.List_DepartmentSliderLib];  
  8.                 if (list != null) {  
  9.                     SPListItemCollection spListItemCollection = null;  
  10.                     foreach(SPFolder subFolder in list.RootFolder.SubFolders) {  
  11.                         if (subFolder.Name.ToLower() == “folderName”) {  
  12.                             SPQuery spQuery = new SPQuery();  
  13.                             spQuery.Folder = subFolder;  
  14.                             spQuery.Query = @ "<OrderBy><FieldRef Name='Created' Ascending='FALSE' /></OrderBy>";  
  15.                             spQuery.RowLimit = 4;  
  16.                             spListItemCollection = list.GetItems(spQuery);  
  17.                             StringBuilder stringCollection = new StringBuilder();  
  18.                             string carouselIndString = string.Empty;  
  19.                             int count = 0;  
  20.                             if (spListItemCollection.Count > 0) {  
  21.                                 foreach(SPListItem item in spListItemCollection) {  
  22.                                     string ImageUrl = Convert.ToString(item[CommonConstants.Field_EncodedAbsUrl]);  
  23.                                     string ImageName = Convert.ToString(item[CommonConstants.Field_Name]);  
  24.                                     if (count == 0) {  
  25.                                         stringCollection.AppendFormat("<div class='item active'><img src = '" + ImageUrl + "' alt = '" + ImageName + "' /></div>");  
  26.                                         carouselIndString += "<li class='active' data-slide-to='" + count + "' data-target='#myCarousel'></li>";  
  27.                                     } else {  
  28.                                         carouselIndString += "<li data-slide-to='" + count + "' data-target='#myCarousel'></li>";  
  29.                                         stringCollection.AppendFormat("<div class='item'><img src = '" + ImageUrl + "' alt = '" + ImageName + "' /></div >");  
  30.                                     }  
  31.                                     count++;  
  32.                                 }  
  33.                                 carouselIndicatordiv.InnerHtml = carouselIndString;  
  34.                                 carousaldiv.InnerHtml = stringCollection.ToString();  
  35.                                 leftIcon.InnerHtml = "<span class='glyphicon glyphicon-chevron-left'></span><span class='sr-only'>Previous</span>";  
  36.                                 rightIcon.InnerHtml = "<span class='glyphicon glyphicon-chevron-right'></span><span class='sr-only'>Next</span>";  
  37.                             }  
  38.                         }  
  39.                     }  
  40.                 } else {  
  41.                     _commonUtil.LogExceptionToULS(CommonConstants.List_DepartmentSliderLib + " - List is not available", Microsoft.SharePoint.Administration.TraceSeverity.High);  
  42.                 }  
  43.             }  
  44.         }  
  45.     } catch (Exception ex) {  
  46.         _commonUtil.LogExceptionToULS(ex.ToString(), Microsoft.SharePoint.Administration.TraceSeverity.High);  
  47.     }  
  48. }  

Finally, slider images will be shown from the particular folder.


In this article we have explored how to retrieve the images from particular folders in SharePoint document library. Happy coding!!