Quick Start With Google Data Studio

In this article, we are going get an idea about Google Data Studio, a dashboarding and data visualization tool.  With the help of Google Data Studio, we can create real time, interactive and detailed reports from raw data. Google Data Studio comes with useful features, such as:
  • Compatible with several data sources
  • Real time, interactive reports.
  • Data transformation and visualization
  • Free to use
Step 1
Go and click on the link here.Click on USE IT FOR FREE button.
Quick Start with Google Data Studio
Step 2
You will be navigated to Gmail. Provide your credentials.
Quick Start with Google Data Studio
After adding the credentials, you will be navigated to Google Data Studio Home Page.
Quick Start with Google Data Studio
Step 3
To create a new report, click on blank report. A pop appears as shown.
Quick Start with Google Data Studio
Hit the GET STARTED button.You will be moved to the next step as shown:
Quick Start with Google Data Studio
Scroll down. Click on the ACCEPT button. And in the final state, PREFERENCES, you need you provide some information.
Quick Start with Google Data Studio
Step 4
Click on the blank report again. An Untitled report opens up.
Quick Start with Google Data Studio
I have given a title to the report as “Basics of Google Data Studio”. In the right hand side, Google Data Studio has provided some sample data source. Also,there is an option to create a new data source.
After completing the report, you can view the report by clicking on the VIEW option above.
In this article we were able to get an idea how to create a new blank report using Google Data Studio. In my next article, you will learn how to create a dashboard and create a interactive report with Google Data Studio.
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