Public Access Specifier in C# Language


Public access specifier means, any public member can be accessed from inside and outside the class. Public access specifier allows  a class to expose its member variables and functions to other functions and objects.  


using System;

using System.Collections.Generic;

using System.Linq;

using System.Text;


namespace public_access_specifier


    class rectangle


        public double length;     /*Public member variable define Length and width , which can be access in

                                    main() function, using in instance of the rectangle class , named rect. */

        public double width;     


        public double ReturnArea() /*The member function ReturnArea() and Display() can also access

                                     variables directly without using any instance of the class*/


            return length * width;


        public void Display()


            Console.WriteLine("Length={0}", length);

            Console.WriteLine("Width={0}", width);

            Console.WriteLine("Area={0}", ReturnArea());





    class ExecuteArea


        static void Main(string[] args)


            rectangle rect = new rectangle();

            rect.length = 4.5;

            rect.width = 3.5;

            rect.Display();          /*The member function Display() is also declare Public, so can also be accessed

                                       from main() using in instance of the Rectangle class, named rect */




