New Interactive Attributes in HTML5
HTML5 also has some new attributes for making interactive design. These
attributes enable us to edit the content of a web page. In this, you can specify
a keyboard shortcut for an element, a context menu or a particular style to
represent the data of an element using new attributes:
accesskey: Represents a keyboard
shortcut to access an element.
contenteditable: Specifies
whether or not the user allowed to edit the content.
contextmenu: Represent the context
menu for an element.
data-yourvalue: Represents user
defined attributes that must start with the data text.
draggable: Specifies whether or
not a user is able to drag an element.
dropzone: specifies the drop
target for a dragged element.
hidden : Hide a non-relevant
spellcheck: specifies the Crammer
and the Spelling checking feature is enabled or not.