Just imagine yourself in a situation, when your Internet Service Provider (ISP) forbids you to view C-Sharp Corner website or discriminate your access to watch videos on YouTube because of your subscription plan. Scary, right. This is exactly what is going to happen if the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) proposed rules got implemented. FCC is currently debating to define limits for ISPs. These regulations would allow ISPs to create a two-tiered Internet, with fast lanes for those who can afford it and dirt roads for the rest of us. ISPs have direct control over our connections to the Internet and the devices we use to connect to it. These regulations allow ISPs to block or interfere with traffic on the web. Online Privacy is already the biggest issue over the internet and with Net discrimination it would end the era of "The Open and Free Internet".
How can we stop this? The solution is Network Neutrality or Net Neutrality. Net Neutrality is the idea that our cellular, cable and phone internet connections should treat all information on the internet with equal value, regardless of the source. ISPs and Government should agree not to discriminate websites against certain users or sources, and not to create policies to block or filter contents. Many popular companies including Netflix, Cisco, IBM came in support for Net Neutrality and participate in "
internet slowdown" protest. In India, we doesn't have any law regarding Net Neutrality. However, the Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI) promotes the principle of non-discrimination in its guidelines but doesn't enforce it. More information