Main Form Class
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******************************************************** using S ystem; using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.ComponentModel; using System.Dat a; using System.Drawing; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Windows.Forms;
namespace CodeDatabase { public partial class frmMain : Form { public frmMain() { // Form Main Constructor InitializeComponent(); }
private void GetSettings() // Method that gets the settings // from 'app.ini' file if exist. { IOFile clsIO = new IOFile(); // Create instance of IOFile class
if (clsIO.ErrHap != null) // 'ErrHap' is "Error Happened" bool sent by clsIO object { EnableDisableButtons(false); // A private method to enable or //desable some controls on the form
} else { // Set some of the control values if (clsIO.onTopOption == "1") { chkOnTop.Checked = true; } else { chkOnTop.Checked = false; }
if (clsIO.WrapOption == "1") { TSWrap.Checked = true; txtCodeMain.ScrollBars = ScrollBars.Vertical; txtCodeMain.WordWrap = true; } else { TSWrap.Checked = false; txtCodeMain.ScrollBars = ScrollBars.Both; txtCodeMain.WordWrap = false; } EnableDisableButtons(true); } } private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { GetSettings(); // A private method to set some of the control values on the form
#region ToolTips // Set some tooltips here _toolTip.SetToolTip(btnCopy, "Copy to ClipBoard"); _toolTip.SetToolTip(btnNew, "Add new code with this subject"); _toolTip.SetToolTip(btnExit, "Exit program"); _toolTip.SetToolTip(lstSubjects, "Click to see the code"); _toolTip.SetToolTip(chkOnTop, "Check to keep this window top of all windows"); _toolTip.SetToolTip(btnSearch, "Search DB"); _toolTip.SetToolTip(txtCodeMain, "Double Click to copy code into clipboard"); #endregion
// Resize the form using current screen size this.Width = Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Width / 2; this.Height = Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Height - 300;
if (btnNew.Enabled == true) // If 'new' button desabled, that means 'app.ini' file is missing // or never creaated (first run) { FillSubjectList("*"); // 'app.ini' is exist. Load data into form } }
private void XMLCheck(string XMLCurrentLocation) // This method checks the path of the XML file // It is important to have an xml file located or created // before run the program very first time. { Scripting.FileSystemObject FsO = new Scripting.FileSystemObject(); // Create instance of FileSystemObject class
if (FsO.FileExists(XMLCurrentLocation) == false) { if (MessageBox.Show("XML file is not exist!. Continue with settings?", "Missing XML", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation) == DialogResult.Yes) { frmSettings OpenSettings = new frmSettings(); // Create instance of Settings form // and show as dialog form. OpenSettings.ShowDialog(); } } }
private void FillSubjectList(string SearchWord) // This method fills the ListView object // with all the code subjects or just selected // subjects through the search box. { IOFile clsIO = new IOFile(); // Create instance ofIOFile class
if (clsIO.ErrHap != null) // 'ErrHap' is "Error Happened bool sent by clsIO object { MessageBox.Show("Error while reading 'app.ini' file: " + clsIO.ErrHap, "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); frmSettings OpenSettings = new frmSettings();// Create instance of Settings form // and show as dialog form. OpenSettings.ShowDialog(); return; } else { // Reset some controls lstSubjects.Items.Clear(); // Clear ListView txtCodeMain.Text = "CODE VIEW"; // Put default text to main code viewer txtSubject.Text = ""; // Clear Subject/Search box lblSelected.Text = ""; // Clear Full Subject Name label
XMLCheck(clsIO.XMLPath); // Check the path of the XML file }
XMLDatabase clsXML = new XMLDatabase(); // Create instance of XMLDatabase class ArrayList CurrentSubjectList = new ArrayList(); // Create instance of ArrayList // This will loaded with the ArrayList // sent by clsXML object string[] SplitText = new string[2]; // Each item in the array will contain a tring // that will be splited by 'Backspace' character
CurrentSubjectList = clsXML.GetSubjectList(clsIO.XMLPath, SearchWord); // Get the ArrayList from clsXML char Splitchr = (char)8; // 'char 8' is Backspace character.
foreach (string FullString in CurrentSubjectList) // Start looping the ArrayList { SplitText = FullString.Split(Splitchr); // Split Item ListViewItem s_Items; // Set ListView item to add new information s_Items = lstSubjects.Items.Add(SplitText[0]); // Add Subject ID to the first (not visiable) colomn s_Items.SubItems.Add(SplitText[1]); // Add Subjectname to second (visiable) colomn } }
private void ExitApp() { if (btnNew.Enabled == true) // Check if 'Auto Save' option is checked and if 'app.ini' file exist { // Before we save the setting file, we need to know // what are the current settings and DB path value
IOFile clsIO = new IOFile(); // Create instance of IOFile class
if (clsIO.ErrHap != null) // 'ErrHap' is "Error Happened" bool sent by clsIO object { // Just show an error message, but do nothing else MessageBox.Show("Error while reading 'app.ini' file: " + clsIO.ErrHap, "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); } else { if (clsIO.AutoSave == "1") { // Set default values in clsIO object clsIO.onTopOption = "0"; clsIO.WrapOption = "0"; clsIO.AutoSave = "0";
// Then reset the values that are changed during use of the application // By setting above settings to default made coding lesser when set them back here if (chkOnTop.Checked == true) { clsIO.onTopOption = "1"; }
if (TSWrap.Checked == true) { clsIO.WrapOption = "1"; }
clsIO.createINIFile(); // Creating 'app.ini' file overwrites the older one // with the new settings information } } }
// Exit the program if (Application.MessageLoop) { // Use this since we are a WinForms app Application.Exit(); } else { // Use this since we are a console app Environment.Exit(1); } }
private void EnableDisableButtons(bool EDButtons) // Change some of the control states here { // Menu items TSAddNew.Enabled = EDButtons; TSEdit.Enabled = EDButtons; TSDelete.Enabled = EDButtons; TSRefresh.Enabled = EDButtons; // Buttons btnSearch.Enabled = EDButtons; btnNew.Enabled = EDButtons; btnEdit.Enabled = EDButtons; btnDelete.Enabled = EDButtons;
// Main codeview txtCodeMain.Enabled = EDButtons; txtSubject.Enabled = EDButtons; } private void GetMainCodeForSelectedListItem(int lineIndex) // This method fills the Main Code window // with the code for selected ListView item { IOFile clsIO = new IOFile(); // Create instance of IOFile class
if (clsIO.ErrHap != null) // 'ErrHap' is "Error Happened" bool sent by clsIO object { MessageBox.Show("Error while reading 'app.ini' file: " + clsIO.ErrHap, "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); frmSettings OpenSettings = new frmSettings(); OpenSettings.ShowDialog(); // No response needed from the dialog box, since there is nothing else follwoing in this method } else { XMLCheck(clsIO.XMLPath); // Check XML file path if the file exist
try { XMLDatabase clsXML = new XMLDatabase(); // Create instance of XMLDatabase class txtCodeMain.Text = clsXML.XMLGetinfo(lstSubjects.Items[lineIndex].SubItems[0].Text, clsIO.XMLPath); } catch (Exception exc) { MessageBox.Show("Error while getting main code! : " + exc.Message,"Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); // Returned error from clsXML object }
lblSelected.Text = lstSubjects.Items[lineIndex].SubItems[1].Text; // Full subject on the label
txtCodeMain.ForeColor = Color.Black; // Change the text color to black in main code view }
private void lstSubjects_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { // Aparently this fires twice. Check if anything selected first // this will by-pass the empty round. if (lstSubjects.SelectedItems.Count > 0) { GetMainCodeForSelectedListItem(lstSubjects.SelectedIndices[0]); } }
private void txtSubject_KeyPress(object sender, KeyPressEventArgs e) { // As soon as start typing into search box, clear the main codeview txtCodeMain.Text = ""; lblSelected.Text = ""; }
private void txtCodeMain_DoubleClick(object sender, EventArgs e) { // Either double clicking on the main codeview or clicking // on the 'C' (Copy) button gets a copy of all the text in the main codeview. CopyAllMyText(true); txtCodeMain.Focus(); }
private void CopyAllMyText(bool blnSelectAll) { // Check to see if any text(s) selected in the TextBox control. // This way either selected text or all can be copied into clipboard if (txtCodeMain.SelectionLength == 0 || blnSelectAll == true) { // Select all text in the text box. txtCodeMain.SelectAll(); } // Copy the contents of the control to the Clipboard. txtCodeMain.Copy(); } private void chkOnTop_CheckedChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { // Set the form 'always on top' if selected this.TopMost = chkOnTop.Checked; }
private void txtCodeMain_TextChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { // If any changes made to the text in the code view // change the text color to red to remind user to save // the edited version txtCodeMain.ForeColor = Color.Red; }
#region BUTTONS
private void btnSearch_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) {
// Program does wild-card search by default // Put any word that you wish to find and listed FillSubjectList(txtSubject.Text); }
private void btnCopy_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { // 'Copy' button copies all text, or highligted text in the main code view. CopyAllMyText(false); txtCodeMain.Focus(); }
private void btnDelete_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { DBWork("Delete"); }
private void btnEdit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { DBWork("Edit"); }
private void btnNew_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { DBWork("New"); }
private void btnExit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { ExitApp(); }
#region MENU ITEMS
private void TSAddNew_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { DBWork("New"); }
private void TSEdit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { DBWork("Edit"); }
private void TSDelete_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { DBWork("Delete"); }
private void TSWrap_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { // With 'word wrap' option, we set a couple other things... if (TSWrap.Checked == false) { TSWrap.Checked = true; txtCodeMain.ScrollBars = ScrollBars.Vertical; txtCodeMain.WordWrap = true; } else { TSWrap.Checked = false; txtCodeMain.ScrollBars = ScrollBars.Both; txtCodeMain.WordWrap = false; } }
private void TSRefresh_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { // Send '*' to 'fillSubjectList' method for its 'SELECT' case // to load all the items in subject field (Refresh the list box) FillSubjectList("*"); }
private void TSExit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { ExitApp(); }
private void TSAbout_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { // Set and show 'About' form. This form is a default 'About' // from the Visual Studio itself. AboutBox1 AboutBox = new AboutBox1(); AboutBox.ShowDialog(); }
private void TSCodeDatabase_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Scripting.FileSystemObject FsO = new Scripting.FileSystemObject(); // Create instance of FileSystemObject class
if (FsO.FileExists("help.rtf") == true) { System.Diagnostics.Process.Start("help.rtf"); // Open 'help.rtf' file if exist } else { MessageBox.Show("Missing help file (help.rtf).", "Help file", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation); } }
private void TSSettings_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string a1 = "0"; string b1 = "0"; string c1 = "0";
// Set some of the variables that will pass to the settings form
IOFile clsIO = new IOFile(); if (clsIO.ErrHap == null) { if (chkOnTop.Checked == true) { a1 = "1"; }
if (TSWrap.Checked == true) { b1 = "1"; }
if (clsIO.AutoSave == "1") // there is no control on the form for the // 'AutoSave' option. Get it from clsIO { c1 = "1"; } }
frmSettings OpenSettings = new frmSettings(a1, b1, c1); OpenSettings.ShowDialog(); GetSettings(); FillSubjectList("*"); }
private void DBWork(string DoThis) { string CurrentID = ""; // Current Subject ID set by the location of the listview's first field 'ID'. string LastSubjectID; // Sets the Subject ID for the next record string XMLCurrentPath; // Sets the latest recorded XML file path string EndMessage; // Sets the message string per selected action string MainCodeString = txtCodeMain.Text; // Main codeview text string SubjectString = txtSubject.Text; // Subject text MainCodeString = MainCodeString.Trim(); // Trim main code text SubjectString = SubjectString.Trim(); // Trim subject text
IOFile clsIO = new IOFile(); // Create instance of 'IOFile' class
if (clsIO.ErrHap != null) // 'ErrHap' is "Error Happened" bool sent by clsIO object { MessageBox.Show("Error while reading 'app.ini' file: " + clsIO.ErrHap, "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); frmSettings OpenSettings = new frmSettings(); OpenSettings.ShowDialog(); return; }
XMLCurrentPath = clsIO.XMLPath;
// Set the next ID value XMLDatabase DBXml = new XMLDatabase(); // Create instance of XMLDatabase class LastSubjectID = DBXml.GetLatestID(XMLCurrentPath);
if (DoThis == "Edit" || DoThis == "Delete") { if (lstSubjects.SelectedItems.Count == 0){ return; } CurrentID = lstSubjects.Items[lstSubjects.SelectedIndices[0]].SubItems[0].Text; }
// Process request in this 'Switch' statment switch (DoThis) { case "New": if (MainCodeString == "" || SubjectString == "") { MessageBox.Show("Please enter the code/subject before continue!", "Missing Info", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation); return; } DBXml.XMLwork(LastSubjectID, 'a', XMLCurrentPath, SubjectString, MainCodeString); EndMessage = "New item added."; break; case "Edit": if (MainCodeString == "") { MessageBox.Show("Please enter the code before continue!", "Missing Info", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation); return; } DBXml.XMLwork(CurrentID, 'e', XMLCurrentPath, "", MainCodeString); EndMessage = "Item edited."; break; case "Delete": if (MessageBox.Show("Are you sure about deleting this record?", "Delete current record", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Question) == DialogResult.No) { return; } DBXml.XMLwork(CurrentID, 'd', XMLCurrentPath, "", ""); EndMessage = "Item deleted."; break; default: return; }
// Messagebox is necessary here to slow down the code for refresh MessageBox.Show(EndMessage, "Process done.", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information);
if (DoThis == "Edit") { txtCodeMain.ForeColor = Color.Black; lstSubjects.Focus(); } else { // Refill FillSubjectList("*"); } } } }
Settings Form Class
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******************************************************** using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.ComponentModel; using System.Data; using System.Drawing; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Windows.Forms;
namespace CodeDatabase { public partial class frmSettings : Form { private string XMLDatabaseLocation = null;
// Form Main Constructor public frmSettings() { InitializeComponent(); }
// Form Main Constructor overload public frmSettings(string OnTopStr, string WordWrapStr, string AutoSaveStr) { InitializeComponent();
// Set some control values if (OnTopStr == "1") { chkOnTop.Checked = true; }
if (WordWrapStr == "1") { chkWordWrap.Checked = true; }
if (AutoSaveStr == "1") { chkAutoSave.Checked = true; }
IOFile clsIO = new IOFile(); // Create instance of IOFile class
if (clsIO.ErrHap == null) { Scripting.FileSystemObject FsO = new Scripting.FileSystemObject(); // Create instance of FileSystemObject class lblXML.Text = "XML File Name : " + FsO.GetFileName(clsIO.XMLPath); // XML file name into label box XMLDatabaseLocation = clsIO.XMLPath; // Set XML file path } }
private void frmSettings_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { this.TopMost = true; // Keep settings form on top of main form }
private void btnLocateDB_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (fleOpen.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.Cancel) { return; } XMLDatabaseLocation = fleOpen.FileName; // Set new location of the XML file }
private void btnNewXML_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { { string strNewLocation; Scripting.FileSystemObject FsO = new Scripting.FileSystemObject(); // Create instance of FileSystemObject class
// If 'into program file' checked, just enter the name of XML file // otherwise, open 'Save' dialog box to create new xml file into // another location. if (chkSameFolder.Checked != true) { if (fleSave.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { strNewLocation = fleSave.FileName; lblXML.Text = FsO.GetFileName(fleSave.FileName); } else { return; } } else { strNewLocation = txtNewName.Text.Trim() + ".xml"; lblXML.Text = txtNewName.Text.Trim() + ".xml"; }
if (FsO.FileExists(fleSave.FileName) == true) // Make sure there are no other XML file with same name { if (MessageBox.Show("This XML file is allready exist. Would you like to overwrite?", "File Exist", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation) == DialogResult.Yes) { try { FsO.DeleteFile(strNewLocation, true); // Overwrite will delete the existing file } catch { // Sometime permission problems won't let program to delete files MessageBox.Show("Can not create new XML!", "Write Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); return; } } else { return; } }
XMLDatabaseLocation = strNewLocation;
try { XMLDatabase XMLDB = new XMLDatabase(); // Create instance of XMLDatabase class XMLDB.XMLwork("", 'n', strNewLocation, "",""); // Create XML file MessageBox.Show("New XML DB created succefuly"); } catch { MessageBox.Show("Error while writing new XML File!"); } } }
private void chkSameFolder_CheckedChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { // Couple of control status need to change if 'Into same folder' option selected if (chkSameFolder.Checked == true) { btnNewXML.Enabled = false; txtNewName.Enabled = true; } else { btnNewXML.Enabled = true; txtNewName.Enabled = false; txtNewName.Text = ""; } }
private void txtNewName_TextChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { // Force user not to use buttons before something in the text box // In one condition only (Into same folder)
if (txtNewName.Text.Trim() == "" && chkSameFolder.Checked == true) { btnNewXML.Enabled = false; } else { btnNewXML.Enabled = true; } }
private void btnSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (XMLDatabaseLocation == null) // Check if XML location variable has any value { MessageBox.Show("Select or create an XML file first.", "Missing XML path", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation); return; }
IOFile clsIO = new IOFile(); // Create instance of IOFile class clsIO.ErrHap = null; // Ignore any error for now.
// By calling 'BoolToString' method, set clsIO properties clsIO.onTopOption = BoolToString(chkOnTop.Checked); clsIO.WrapOption = BoolToString(chkWordWrap.Checked); clsIO.AutoSave = BoolToString(chkAutoSave.Checked); clsIO.XMLPath = XMLDatabaseLocation;
clsIO.createINIFile(); // Create 'app.ini' file
if (clsIO.ErrHap != null) { MessageBox.Show("Error while creating 'app.ini' file: " + clsIO.ErrHap ,"Error",MessageBoxButtons.OK,MessageBoxIcon.Error); } else { MessageBox.Show("'app.ini' file create dsuccefuly", "Success!",MessageBoxButtons.OK,MessageBoxIcon.Information); } }
private string BoolToString(bool blnOption) { string strReturnValue = "0"; if (blnOption == true) { strReturnValue = "1"; } return strReturnValue; }
private void btnCloseApp_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { this.Close(); // Close settings } } }
IOFile Class (Custom class)
Code 3 of 4
******************************************************** using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.IO;
namespace CodeDatabase { class IOFile {
// Set fields private string _onTopOption; private string _WrapOption; private string _AutoSave; private string _XMLPath; private string _ErrHap = null;
// Set properties public string onTopOption { get {return _onTopOption;} // 'Always on top' checkbox option on the main form set { _onTopOption = value; } }
public string WrapOption { get {return _WrapOption;} // 'Word wrap' option in the file menu of the main form set { _WrapOption = value; } }
public string AutoSave { get { return _AutoSave; } // 'Word wrap' option in the file menu of the main form set { _AutoSave = value; } }
public string XMLPath { get { return _XMLPath;} // XML path set { _XMLPath = value; } }
public string ErrHap { get { return _ErrHap; } // 'Always on top' checkbox option on the main form set { _ErrHap = value; } }
// IOFile Constructor public IOFile() { string[] SettingItem = new string[4]; // there are only 4 lines to read from the ini file // set the array for that number int i = 0; Scripting.FileSystemObject FsO = new Scripting.FileSystemObject(); // Create instance of FileSystemObject class
if (FsO.FileExists("app.ini") == true) // Check if 'app.ini' is exist { try { using (StreamReader sr = new StreamReader("app.ini")) // Open 'app.ini' file { do { SettingItem[i] = Convert.ToString(sr.ReadLine()); if (SettingItem[i] == null) { break; } // Set the array values i++; } while (i < SettingItem.Length);
if (i < (SettingItem.Length - 1)) // If 'while' loop ends early // there could be a file error { _ErrHap = "1"; } else // set property values { _onTopOption = SettingItem[0]; // a1 _WrapOption = SettingItem[1]; // b1 _AutoSave = SettingItem[2]; // c1 _XMLPath = SettingItem[3]; // d1 } } } catch (Exception exc) { _ErrHap = exc.Message; // other file read error } } else { _ErrHap = "2"; // 'app.ini' file is not exist } }
public void createINIFile() { try { using (StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter("app.ini")) // Open 'app.ini' to write { sw.WriteLine(_onTopOption); sw.WriteLine(_WrapOption); sw.WriteLine(_AutoSave); sw.WriteLine(_XMLPath); } } catch (Exception exc) { _ErrHap = exc.Message ; // error when try to write to a file } }
} }
XML Class (Custom class)
Code 4 of 4
******************************************************** using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Xml; using System.Collections;
namespace CodeDatabase { class XMLDatabase { public void XMLwork(string SubjectID, char XMLProcess, string XMLPath, string CodeSubject, string CodeMain) { switch (XMLProcess) { case 'n': // Create new XML Document // ********************************************************************** XmlTextWriter XMLWrite = new XmlTextWriter(XMLPath, System.Text.Encoding.UTF8);
XMLWrite.WriteStartDocument(); XMLWrite.WriteStartElement("Codes"); XMLWrite.WriteStartElement("NewCode"); XMLWrite.WriteElementString("ID", "1"); XMLWrite.WriteElementString("DBSubject", "Welcome"); XMLWrite.WriteElementString("DBCode", "Thank you for using CodeDatabase by Leo Koach (2010)"); XMLWrite.WriteEndElement(); XMLWrite.WriteEndElement(); XMLWrite.WriteEndDocument();
XMLWrite.Flush(); XMLWrite.Close(); break; case 'a': // Append a node with information to same XML file // **********************************************************************
XmlDocument xmlDoc = new XmlDocument(); xmlDoc.Load(XMLPath); XmlElement subRoot = xmlDoc.CreateElement("NewCode");
//ID XmlElement appendedElementID = xmlDoc.CreateElement("ID"); XmlText xmlTextID = xmlDoc.CreateTextNode(GetLatestID(XMLPath)); appendedElementID.AppendChild(xmlTextID); subRoot.AppendChild(appendedElementID); xmlDoc.DocumentElement.AppendChild(subRoot);
//Subject XmlElement appendedElementSubject = xmlDoc.CreateElement("DBSubject"); XmlText xmlTextSubject = xmlDoc.CreateTextNode(CodeSubject); appendedElementSubject.AppendChild(xmlTextSubject); subRoot.AppendChild(appendedElementSubject); xmlDoc.DocumentElement.AppendChild(subRoot);
//Code XmlElement appendedElementCode = xmlDoc.CreateElement("DBCode"); XmlText xmlTextCode = xmlDoc.CreateTextNode(CodeMain); appendedElementCode.AppendChild(xmlTextCode); subRoot.AppendChild(appendedElementCode); xmlDoc.DocumentElement.AppendChild(subRoot);
xmlDoc.Save(XMLPath); break; case 'e': //Change information on a node // ********************************************************************** XmlDocument XMLEdit = new XmlDocument(); XMLEdit.Load(XMLPath);
XmlElement XMLEditNode = XMLEdit.DocumentElement;
foreach (XmlNode node in XMLEditNode) { if (node["ID"].InnerText == SubjectID) { node["DBCode"].InnerText = CodeMain; break; } } XMLEdit.Save(XMLPath); break; case 'd': // Removing a node // ********************************************************************** XmlDocument XMLDelete = new XmlDocument(); XMLDelete.Load(XMLPath);
XmlElement XMLDeleteNode = XMLDelete.DocumentElement;
foreach (XmlNode node in XMLDeleteNode) { if (node["ID"].InnerText == SubjectID) { node.ParentNode.RemoveChild(node); break; } } XMLDelete.Save(XMLPath); break; default: throw new Exception("1"); } }
public string XMLGetinfo(string SubjectID, string XMLPath) { string StrInf = "";
// Retreive a nod from the same XML file // ********************************************************************** XmlDocument XMLRead = new XmlDocument(); // Create instance of XmlDocument class
try { XMLRead.Load(XMLPath); // Set XMLRead object's path value
XmlNodeList XMLItems = XMLRead.SelectNodes("Codes/NewCode"); // Create instance of XmlNodeList class // and set its node value
foreach (XmlNode node in XMLItems) // Loop Node for the child node items { if (node["ID"].InnerText == SubjectID) // Find the ID number { StrInf = node["DBCode"].InnerText; // Set return value to Main Code value from the XML file break; // Exit loop } } return StrInf; } catch (Exception exc) { throw exc; } }
public string GetLatestID(string xmlFilePath) { int LastIDEntry = 0; // Get the last ID of the ID field. // ********************************************************************** XmlDocument XMLGetLastID = new XmlDocument(); XMLGetLastID.Load(xmlFilePath);
XmlNodeList XMLItems = XMLGetLastID.SelectNodes("Codes/NewCode");
foreach (XmlNode node in XMLItems) { LastIDEntry = Convert.ToInt32(node["ID"].InnerText) + 1; } return Convert.ToString(LastIDEntry); }
public ArrayList GetSubjectList(string xmlFilePath, string FindWord) { ArrayList SubjectArray = new ArrayList(); string nodeString; string UpperFindWord; UpperFindWord = FindWord.ToUpper();
// Get the last ID of the ID field. // ********************************************************************** XmlDocument XMLGetLastID = new XmlDocument(); XMLGetLastID.Load(xmlFilePath);
XmlNodeList XMLItems = XMLGetLastID.SelectNodes("Codes/NewCode"); char Splitchr = (char)8; // backspace foreach (XmlNode node in XMLItems) { if (FindWord == "*") // Get all the Code Subjects { SubjectArray.Add(node["ID"].InnerText + Splitchr + node["DBSubject"].InnerText); } else { nodeString = node["DBSubject"].InnerText.ToUpper(); if (nodeString.IndexOf(UpperFindWord) != -1) // Find only selected wording { SubjectArray.Add(node["ID"].InnerText + Splitchr + node["DBSubject"].InnerText); } } } return SubjectArray; } } }