MCPD In SharePoint 2010


 In order to get MCPD in SharePoint 2010 you have to clear these two Exams


·         MCTS: SharePoint 2010, Application Development

·         PRO: Designing and Developing Microsoft SharePoint 2010 Applications


The topics for MCTS: SharePoint 2010, Application Development


I already have a blog for this Please refer it for more details




The topics for PRO: Designing and Developing Microsoft SharePoint 2010 Applications


This exam measures your ability to accomplish the technical tasks listed below. The percentages indicate the relative weight of each major topic area on the exam.


Creating an Application Design (19%)

·         Evaluate application data access and storage

This objective may include but is not limited to: SharePoint List and relationships, Document Library, SQL Database, BCS, web service, file system, remote BLOB storage, and all other external data sources

·         Identify artifacts from application requirements

·         This objective may include but is not limited to: web parts, event receivers, list definitions, list templates, workflows, site definitions, custom actions, content types, site columns, mapping artifacts to application requirements

·         Select a deployment model

·         This objective may include but is not limited to: identifying artifacts and execution appropriate for sandbox and farm (i.e. GAC vs. BIN) implementation, designing solutions for single server or multi-server environments, dividing artifacts between sandbox and farm

·         Select the appropriate execution method

·         This objective may include but is not limited to: in-page, workflow, event receiver (asynchronous vs. synchronous), timer job, and service application, selecting which logic execution model to use for a problem, determining where code or artifact runs

·         Designing UX (17%)

·         Determine presentation page type

·         This objective may include but is not limited to: Web Part page, application Page, publishing page, page layout, static page

·         Determine SharePoint visual components

·         This objective may include but is not limited to: web parts, silverlight, AJAX, ribbon, visual web parts, delegate controls, custom field types, dialog

·         Plan branding strategy

·         This objective may include but is not limited to: determining usage of themes, templates, enforce consistency via site definitions, master pages and page layouts, determining usage of CSS styles and JavaScript, designing usage and role of Styles Library or Site Collection Library

·         Design application customization strategy

·         This objective may include but is not limited to: supportable customizations allowed through SharePoint UI, SharePoint Designer 2010, VS 2010 (site columns, content types, page customization, themes, page layouts, personalization)

·         Design navigation strategy

·         This objective may include but is not limited to: identify inclusion of navigational items (global/current/custom), consume an existing site map provider vs. create a custom provider, determine depth and inclusion of pages/sites, dynamic vs. static navigation, consume an existing navigation control vs. create a custom navigation control

Managing Application Development (18%)

·         Design for localization and globalization

·         This objective may include but is not limited to: use and implementation of resource files, variations (content creation and workflow, multilingual content), selecting locales, date and time, regional settings, RTL vs. LTR

·         Develop a security approach

·         This objective may include but is not limited to: authentication (NTLM, Kerberos, Forms-based Authentication, claims, Single Sign-On, Anonymous), authorization (SharePoint groups, AD groups, claims, permission levels) enterprise-wide security policies

·         Define application configuration approach

·         This objective may include but is not limited to: defining "web.config" modifications, Lists as a configuration option, Property bags, declarative vs. programmatic, SP persisted objects

Optimizing SharePoint Application Design (15%)

·         Optimize page performance

·         This objective may include but is not limited to: View State, Inline JS, Inline  CSS, HTML output, AJAX, Client side cache, .NET cache, BLOB Cache, Session State, IIS compression

·         Optimize data access

·         This objective may include but is not limited to: SPQuery, SPSiteDataQuery, Large lists, Search (managed properties), SharePoint 2010 query throttling, Client object model vs. web service/rest/SOAP/RPC, Linq

·         Design for logging and exception handling

·         This objective may include but is not limited to: Determining appropriate level of logging to include in a custom code project, Evaluating SharePoint log data, Instrumenting code to improve the ability to maintain the system, Determining when exceptions are raised, error values returned, and what should be written to the SharePoint ULS log, Debugger, and Event log

·         Identify and Resolve deployment issues

·         This objective may include but is not limited to: single server vs. farm vs. multi-farm, infrastructure vs. content database, web applications, application pools, feature activation failures, pushing applications to front end, security context, feature scope, feature dependencies

·         Analyze memory utilization

·         This objective may include but is not limited to: Memory profiling, Disposal of SharePoint objects, Load testing, Identifying memory bottlenecks (hierarchy), Analyze ULS logs, Monitoring memory counters, ensure implementation of IDisposable on custom artifacts containing IDisposable members

Designing SharePoint Composite Applications (13%)

·         Design external application integration

·         This objective may include but is not limited to: Selecting appropriate BCS connection from Web Service, .NET Type, and SQL Connection, Defining authentication requirements, Defining solutions that include Office client applications

·         Determine data capture approach

·         This objective may include but is not limited to: Evaluate when to use different forms technologies (InfoPath vs. ASP.NET), Office client, Silverlight, BCS, Infopath Forms Services

·         Design SharePoint information architecture

·         This objective may include but is not limited to: Content types (local, global), Site columns, Site structure, Taxonomy (managed metadata)

·         Design a workflow solution

·         This objective may include but is not limited to: workflow tool (Visio, SharePoint Designer, Visual Studio), Sequential vs. State Machine, Item vs. Site, Declarative vs. Code, custom actions

Designing SharePoint Solutions and Features (18%)

·         Plan SharePoint Features

·         This objective may include but is not limited to: Feature Sets, Feature Stapling, determine feature scope, Create a new Feature (vs. extending), activation dependencies, feature receivers

·         Plan SharePoint solution packaging

·         This objective may include but is not limited to: Create a new Solution (vs. extending), Manage reference assemblies in a SharePoint WSP solution, solution sets,  solution dependencies,  solution targeting

·         Establishing application modification and version upgrade strategy

·         This objective may include but is not limited to: Designing an artifact upgrade strategy,  Feature and solution upgrade,  Site upgrade,  Versioning custom assemblies,  Versioning workflows (new feature, new assembly version, new code),  Resolving incompatible changes between dev and production

·         Develop a strategy for delivery of application modifications and existing data transformation

·         This objective may include but is not limited to: Formulating a new version of custom code,  Updating Web parts while retaining properties, connections and other user entered settings,  Content maintenance, Developing a content upgrade strategy, Deployment configurations, Deploying modified code safely (data safe), Preparing scripts (PowerShell, EXE), packages (WSP, MSI), or installers

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