Learn Differences Between Angular v1, Angular v2 and Angular v4

 Angular is considered one of the best open-source JavaScript frameworks. Google’s Angular team released Angular 2 as a complete makeover of its Angular v1. Who are still learning Angular frameworks, this blog will offer a comparison of Angular 1, Angular 2, & Angular 4.


The architecture of Angular 1 is based on Model View Controller.

Angular 2 is a significant change in the structure as compared to Angular 1. Angular 2 is based on components structure like ReactJS.

Angular 2 focuses on the mobile apps development. Angular 4 is much faster & reduces the file generated code of components. This same code can be used in debug mode and production mode.

File Type

Angular 1 was built on JavaScript.

  1. var angular1 = angular.module('uiroute', ['ui.router']);  
  2. angular1.controller('CarController'function($scope) {  
  3.     $scope.CarList = ['Audi''BMW''Bugatti''Jaguar'];  
  4. }); 
Angular 2 applications are built on TypeScript which is a superset of JavaScript.
  1. import {  
  2.     platformBrowserDynamic  
  3. } from "@angular/platform-browser-dynamic";  
  4. import {  
  5.     AppModule  
  6. } from "./app.module";  
  7. platformBrowserDynamic().bootstrapModule(AppModule);  
  8. import {  
  9.     NgModule  
  10. } from "@angular/core";  
  11. import {  
  12.     BrowserModule  
  13. } from "@angular/platform-browser";  
  14. import {  
  15.     AppComponent  
  16. } from "../app/app.component";  
  17. @NgModule({  
  18.     imports: [BrowserModule],  
  19.     declarations: [AppComponent],  
  20.     bootstrap: [AppComponent]  
  21. })  
  22. export class AppModule {}  
  23. import {  
  24.     Component  
  25. } from '@angular/core'  
  26. @Component({  
  27.             selector: 'app-loader',  
  28.             template: `    
  30. <div>    
  32. <div>    
  34. <h4>Welcome to Angular with ASP.NET Core and Visual Studio 2017</h4>    
  36. </div></div>    
  38. })    
  40. export class AppComponent{} 
This complete file & code syntax changes make it so hard to upgrade from Angular 1 to Angular 2. Angular 4 works on the latest version of TypeScript (2.1 & 2.2).

Code Reuse

Unlike Angular 1, $scope was removed from Angular 2 & Angular 4. Instance developers can add new directives and controls though. Various component-splitting features increase the code reusability.

Mobile Support

Angular 1 was made for responsive UI & Two-way binding application. But it didn't support mobile. Angular 2 was made with mobile-oriented architecture. The NativeScript helps to make Angular 2 Mobile Development faster.

So basically, it allows developers to create cross-platform applications.

Feature & Performance

View Engine

The view engine introduced in Angular 4, which decreases the size of the generated code using the Ahead of Time (AOT) manner.

SEO Friendly

The Angular team introduced a new powerful Single Page Application (SPA) facility to build Search Engine Optimization (SEO) friendly rendering of the HTML server side.

Animation Package

The Angular animation function requires @angular/code module. So it sets them its own package. In this case, you don’t use animation package & it reduces the bundle of large size code.

Smaller & Faster

Angular 4 programs will consume less space and run faster, it will increase the speed of Application.


The angular beginner, Better you can start with angular 2 & it’s simpler of angular 4 and easy to upgrade your application code also to feature update.