Leadership lessons from the tech gurus

                                                        Mark Zuckerberg

        World's youngest billionaire, Mark Zuckerberg redefined the concept of social networking with his highly innovative and revolutionary website Facebook. Zuckerberg has been named the Person of the Year in 2010 by the Times magazine.

He could identify the area where he could make his innovation successful and it was the inherent human need for interaction that he targeted.

He created a venue for them to come together and connect each other without spending any money. He advises the young minds to be open to changes without losing the focus from their goals.

Flexibility and willingness are his strengths with which he has been able to change his products to cater the customer demands. He says, "Embrace the developing and emerging technologies and make the best use of them."

Zuckerberg was quick to identify the new trends and he kept his business policy well-balanced to adapt to changes. Stick with what you know and do not push something you do not know - this is the best lesson that Zuckerberg's success story teaches us.
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