- JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) is a lightweight data-interchange format.
- Humans can read and write it with ease.
- Machines can quickly parse and generate it.
- JSON is a text format that is completely language-independent.
The most common way to use JSON in PHP is to transform ordinary PHP objects or arrays into JSON data.
Let's make a PHP object.
$User = new stdClass();
$User->first_name = "XXX";
$User->last_name = "YYY";
$User->age = 32;
$User->city = "Testing";
Use the built-in PHP function "json_encode" to transform this PHP object into JSON.
$UserJson = json_encode($User);
The same function makes it simple to convert PHP arrays into JSON
$names = array("xx","yy","zz");
echo json_encode($names);
// output: ["xx","yy","zz"]
Use the "json_decode" method to convert JSON data back into a PHP object.
$json = '{"xxx":20,"yyy":30,"zzz":45}'
object (staclass) #1 (3) {
["xxx"] => int(20)
["yyy"] => int(30)
["zzz"]=> int(45)
Use the second parameter of the json_decode method and set it to true if you wish to transform JSON into an associative array rather than an object
$json = '{"xxx":20,"yyy":30,"zzz":45}'
array (3) {
["xxx"] => int(20)
["yyy"] => int(30)
["zzz"]=> int(45)