Ingradients for Job Satisfaction

Job Satisfaction

Dream jobs are not always practical in real life. there are ways to seek to Job Satisfaction even from the most unusual jobs you are in.
  • Not necessarily Working your hobbies has to bring you Job Satisfaction. be it any Field, you are Bound to be satisfied with your job provided you have the right attitude.
  • So how does one come to possess that Attitude? what is that Unique preposition that you have to combine in order to trigger satisfaction?working individuals have different approaches towards job satisfaction.
  • One might possess satisfaction by the end benefits he/she gains at that job.the levels of satisfaction depends on what one is reaping.
  • Some other might find Satisfaction in just the job appeal,while a few try building their career in the jobs they are in,gaining higher salaries,promotions and status are what they need to trigger job Satisfaction.
  • While a few are passionate about the work that they do,that material benefits do not matter to them.their work itself is their satisfaction.
Recipe for Job Satisfaction

No matter what kind of work you are in,there are a certain set of aspects,that you want in your job,in order to enjoy it.the mix of all these aspects is what brings you job Satisfaction.
what are those aspects that you need in your work.lets look at the recipe to cook the mix of right aspect.
  • The Basic ingredient is Knowing yourself(refer to "How to make a carrer choice ?").once you know what your strengths,weaknesses and values are,you know what professions suits you the best.the profession that suits you the first step to job Satisfaction.
  • Next you need to see if the work you desire offers you all the variety and challenges that you want to meet in it.variety and new challenges in work would rid you of monotonous jobs there by reducing boredum,the main culprit of dissatisfaction
  • Staying positive is a very importent ingradient in achieving job Satisfaction.the more positive you are the lesser would be the negative energy in you.always look forward to your next day at the job instead of dwelling on your previous setBacks.convert obstacles into challenges and thrive on them.
  • The last but not the least,try syncronising your work and personal life proportionally.too much of anything could have adverse affect on the other.